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Thread: Ralph currie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Ralph currie

    Very sad news that Ralph Currie gentleman member of lea valley air gun club has sadly passed on, he was a fervent supporter of all our competitions and, he will be missed by all his fellow shooters,
    Alison & Dave.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hemel Hempstead

    Ralph Currie

    I guess the sad news that Ralph Currie passed away over the weekend of 12/13th Oct 2019 hasent come as a surprise, however its still a shock.

    What a lovely kind man Ralph was and many will remember him for a very long time I'm sure.

    Ralph was a member of Cambridge club but also frequented Lea Valley almost every week. In fact he participated in all the disciplines that LV covered, that's HFT, both rifle and Pistol, Vintage and Rested. He was more a part of the furniture than the club itself.

    Ralph would never describe himself as a good shot, in fact if asked he would run his shooting down quite a bit. However he still managed to bag a few medals along the way. He was full of helpful advice and his engineering background meant that he could make small parts for people.

    A special note has to also go to his good mate Dez who bought Ralph to the clubs when times where not so good for him, so he could enjoy the company. That's what you call a friend.

    This really is the passing of a great man, one of the good ones.

    RIP Ralph, and keep an eye on us all when we shoot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    Very sad news. Ralph was a true gentleman and fascinating to talk to, always greeting people with a smile.
    RIP Ralph.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    rip. another gone to the airgun god in the sky.

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