Not posted for a while - due to health/work issues have done little on the shooting/motorcycling front recently. But today I was shown a 'mystery gun' which intrigued me - a workmate of my stepson had been given it in lieu of a debt. Apols for lack of pictures.
The stock style is very like interwar BSA/Lincoln Jeffries. Think I've read BSA used to produce air rifles without markings for other firms.
It's a break barrel .177. No makers marks, but has a close resemblance to an ad for a BSA/Diana Militia advertised on the web in SA. The barrel goes into an octagon shaped piece some 6'' from the breech lock up.
On the left hand side of the breech is a lever, which locks/unlocks the barrel in the closed position. Can't say I've seen that before, but all my rifles are post WW2, & I know SFA about earlier stuff.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
