True, the debate has stalled. I've lost interest as my request for people to identify their relationship with the NSRA has been ignored along with my comment above.

Reading everyone's comments it appears there's an awful lot of history and the financial problems of the NSRA are not the responsibility of the shooting public at large.

The comment that all other sports support a representing body is nonsense and the proposer of the suggestion hasn't replied with any argument to support it. I'm all for facts, but arguments being bandied about need to be accurate.

I'm out of the debate from here on in. It's a no from me and if it goes ahead someone, from one of the clubs will find alternative insurance arrangements and that will be the opening of the gate. I doubt this proposal will do much good for the financial position of the NSRA.

Also, bear in mind that the majority of people involved in the running of clubs are volunteers. We don't need any further administrative tasks imposed upon us.

