Realised I had hardly shot any pistols for at 2 years. So, as it was sunny & I had a day off work, out to the garden with a tin can & my much loved Wobbly Premier. 1st shot, circa 6 yards, plink, down the can goes. The next 9 miss, or at best glance off the side.
Hmm. Find some white card, mark up some aiming points, set it out at 6 yards. Four more groups (I use the term loosely!) of ten, best I get is 2". Do notice some dieselling.
Next I get out the .22 Hurricane I've owned for 30 years, better. Again, 50 shots, under 2", but not by much.
These were shot 2 handed using Eley Wasp 5.6mm.
Then I decide to have a play with the CO2 bb firing Umarex P08 'Luger'. Despite the cold weather & basic sights, 2 mags (40 shots), groups circa 1".

Conclusion - I really need to do some serious pistol practise!