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Thread: HRPC HFT Sunday 22nd March, Guests Welcome

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    HRPC HFT Sunday 22nd March, Guests Welcome

    We will be hosting our next HFT shoot on Sunday 22nd of March. Please take all precautions against the Corona Virus, we have plenty of room to spread out but no hand washing facilities on the course so if you have any hand gel please bring it along and use it. Obviously if you have any symptoms please follow the government advice and don’t attend.

    We'll open the plinking range at 8:00 and get the shoot underway, after the safety brief, at 9:00am. Switching over to the earlier start allows people to get home for Mother’s Day.
    This shoot is open to all responsible shooters of UK limit air rifles and will generally conform to UKAHFT rules (with some minor variations to add interest). The actual format will be decided on the day and might be a or a selected fifteen pegs with two targets per peg (with 40+ pegs and well over 60 targets there's lots of variation), or the old favourite of 15 targets shot twice, or.... whatever. We do it for pleasure so we try and swap it out to make it different. The options mean the course is NEVER the same so nobody can learn it. We also move targets and pegs around just to make it interesting.

    The safety brief will be at nine and we’ll get the shoot started straight after. You MUST be at the safety brief to shoot. Costs are £7 for members and £8 for guests. Our course is located at Ultimate Events, based at Holmbush Farm, just off the A264 between Horsham and Crawley, address below:

    Ultimate Events
    Crawley Road
    West Sussex
    RH12 4SE

    Its well sign posted from the dual carriageway as Holmbush Farm World and Holmbush Paintball.

    Once you get to the site follow the signposts to Ultimate Events/Horsham Events, go past the paint ball area and you will come to a large car park (not the one by the cottages or the Paint Ball site). Be aware that this is an unpaved forest road and a bit rough in places.

    We are located a short way down the hill into the woods but look around for any other shooters and ask directions as it’s easy to get lost. We check the car park regularly so we will find you if there's nobody around. If anybody wants to know more or needs directions then PM me or e-mail to

    As we’re running this as much as a break from all the current bad news, we won’t be running the 60 Point challenge (sorry Kevin, you’ll have to try and beat you 59 next time out).
    To give us an idea of numbers if you are coming please pm or e mail me.

    Hope to see you there


    Always make the best of things, it can only get worse if you don't.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    East Grinstead
    Hi Terry,

    In the light of government advice and the current crisis, I am offended by the post advertising a shoot this coming Sunday, 22nd March. This is especially so, as it appears that all other HFT competitions and meetings (and most clubs including two to which I belong) seem to have been cancelled or closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

    To me, the notion of holding such a competition is morally bankrupt. We all have a duty to reduce/prevent the spread of Coronovirus (Covid19) to save lives, especially amongst the elderly and infirm, both of which apply to me. Looking at the closures ordered by the government yesterday, many businesses and individuals are losing their livelihoods and thereby making huge sacrifices to reduce the spread of the virus. Most HFT shooters and clubs recognise and have understood this, and have consequently volunteered to curtail their activity to assist in saving lives.

    I live very close to this event and do not wish to see the disease spread any further than it absolutely has to. The local hospitals are reportedly already at capacity for intensive care beds and the use of respirators. This competition, if held, would only serve to act as a tool for further spreading the disease.

    I truly believe that this notice should be removed and that the competition should not take place.

    I am not trying to be difficult, rude or awkward and these views are purely personal. However, I believe they may also reflect views more widely held.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Alnwick Northumberland
    Completely agree Phil, ignorance at its best
    Do nothing, achieve nothing

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