Replying to a wanted advert earlier today inspired a major cupboard clearout (the kind of thing at the back of ones mind for a rainy day, just like today)

I have 'discovered' a couple of pretty much mint tins of 20 cal spitzkugal (old yellow ones) and some Defiant Vintage UKPellpax produced 5.6 'for obsolete' air rifles

I'm not a pellet collector (well only by accident and being a bit disorganised) and appreciate the Defiants could well be happily shot ...

I'm hoping my cupboard clear out might add up to a new rifle or chunk of and want to do the best thing with these pellets that's fair, but doesn't mean giving them to the first person who comes out with a witty reply !

Auction site ? People on here stuck for the 5.6s ?

Let me know please, and of course will start a sales thread if that's whats happening, many thanks