I've used Bullseye and Unique to good effect in my Martini Enfield with cast lead bullets. With open sights (rear/middle sight) , I'm not able to vouch for accuracy but it was very pleasant to shoot and appeared to be accurate enough. And have used .32 bullets as well which were fun.

Andy Allwood in Bracknell is very knowledge over these matters and sells cast lead bullets. That is where I've bought all mine from. http://www.tfsa.co.uk/reloading.htm

DANGER WARNING. If you are using reduced loads, please be very, very careful that you know what you're doing as there are all sorts of risks that are possible with the wrong powder and reduced loads. Bulky powders are a good starting point.

And, if you are using very small loads of fast powders, it is critical that you have some foolproof way of charging the cases and seating the bullets that rules out ANY possibility of double charging. (ie it is physically possible to double or treble charge a case unlike in 'normal' reloading where you would end up with powder overflowing all over the reloading bench.