Quote Originally Posted by Turnup View Post
I have never used a tumbler and I don't plan to either. There are several reasons for this:

a) If, like me you like the shiny nickel plated cases a tumbler will rub through the nickel in no time and they then look horrible

b) If you tumble empty cases you then have to clean out the media

c) Tumbling does not clean primer pockets very well

I use an ultrasonic cleaner on my cases - no media residue and primer pockets are clean too. Don't buy a shooter's ultrasonic cleaner - they are silly money. Look on the site which must not be named - I think mine is a 1L 50 W unit and it will take 100 .38 spl cases loose or a brick of 50 (I use the plastic cartridge holder found in many branded boxed of 50). Add the cleaning fluid of your choice. I use boiled water with a dash of citric acid and a drop of detergent will work fine. If you have hard water in your area then a single drop of dishwasher finisher will prevent water marks. 10 minutes in the bath and set them out to dry - you can clean 300 cases in an hour in batches of 50 then overnight to dry or cook them up in the oven at 120C for 20 minutes. That said for many years I did not clean cases at all and had no problems, but they don't look so good as nice shiny ones. WARNING: do not let your cases sit in the bath after it has finished - a lot of the very fine muck will settle out on to the cases and if that dries it is really difficult to get it off again.
That's great thanks! Mrs Bum likes the idea of ultrasonic as it works on jewellery too.

Do you have a pic or name to check I'm looking at the right thing?