I recently collected this Benjamin AS392 with an empty 88 gram canister still attached. I didn't bother trying it with a fresh 88gram as I wanted to use the more economical 12 gram co2 via an adaptor.

Without test firing I went straight ahead with stripping it down for a clean and new seals, everything was there except the end plug with a grommet in it's place. As the cylinder is redundant it didn't matter other than looking unfinished and luckily I had held on to a spare. The valve and adaptor screw was chewed up, so I replaced it with one from Chambers.

The hammer strike on dry firing felt very weak, there wasn't any old grease slowing it down but It had improved with polishing the striker and stretching the main spring.

I got all the parts clean with Isopropyl and fitted new seals with silicon grease.

Once again Ped helped me out with an obsolete seal and supplied the ones prone to damage in Polyurethane. There were 12 seals in all including the one on the valve stem and adaptor.

I used the best fittings co2 adaptor as this has an updated design using an oring around the bulb nose instead of the sealing face. I never had much luck with the original type but this may have been due to the poor quality supplied seals.These adaptors can be bought cheaper on from China but best fitting's have alway's been a good company to deal with.

I've mounted a bugbuster 3-9x32 ready for testing the accuracy at short range. It's a good solid rifle thats much more sturdy than the Ratcatcher and just as easy to work on.