Quote Originally Posted by MrChipShoulder View Post

All you have told me is that Your gun has been running for 30 odd years with no issue and because of that they are ALL good.

Please tell me if you have inspected the gun I've been offered?

If no, how can you know it's condition?

Are you seriously telling me you can tell the condition of every gun in the world ever made because yours is OK?

I have had PM's giving me some advice about what to look for, and once that information was relayed, the people contacted couldn't help me.

This gun has slop in the Barrel at full cock, it has rust pitting that's been cleaned out and it has vice/clamp marks in the body.
Also the story changed as to how the shop got it twice. Once it was an old guys and he had a heart attack before he could shoot it (so it's new) the second time the story was the police had it for 5 years.

If I had some proper help, I could make a decision, but with no knowledge on this gun, and no club member to help me. I'm not going to sell a load of my personal stuff to buy an unknown and take up the last space on my certificate. You may have money to throw away and lots of empty spots on your licence, But I do not, I'm really sorry about that!

I'd love to buy it, but I can't take the risk with no info on what to look for.
Are you going to drive over to south Wales and help me out, I doubt it!
I'm still waiting for you to get me the info you promised you'd get me about a scope from about 2 years ago, YES I STILL REMEMBER!

I'm shaking my head as well !
Goodnight, Mr Chiponshoulder. Back on the ignore step for you, Sir.