Quote Originally Posted by airgunnut View Post
Keep your shirt on! I think you have failed to understand that I DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS WHATSOEVER to disclose any serial numbers of other peoples firearms, at my club we have to enter the serial numbers of the guns we have shot that day, this was requested by the police, it was mentioned that just having our full names in that book could be a breach of the date protection act and having the serial numbers of our guns constitutes a serious breach of security as anyone who enters the club has access to this book (they have to sigh it) so they have access to not only our full names but also what guns we have, its possible to find out where you live just by using your full name, (ive lost count of the amount of times I've looked up a name in the phone book to find the address)
So if that person want to tel you the serial number of his gun then he will tel you, not me, as its not my gun.
Understood. I wasn't that bothered, TBH, but you chose to explode it all over the site. As for all the other stuff, we have to do that in our club, too, in fact, I bleeve that EVERY club operates that way these days. No addresses, though, just a name and club membership number - won't do you any good using my name, though, I'm ex-directory.

OTOH, nobody can just waltz into either of our ranges and take a sneak look at the registers - obviously it's a problem where YOU live, but not here. There are NO unaccompanied 'strangers' wombling around our club premises.