Hi Everyone,

I've just published my first e-book which is a useful guide for anyone looking to set up a home target range or set up a new club range.

Its free on kindle unlimited or can be purchased on amazon


The guide has been written with the DIY enthusiast in mind and includes details on how to make motorised target changers, where to get components, how to set up a suitable backstop and make your own pellet catchers together with details on setting up a firing point etc.

Using this guide will save to up to 70% on buying target changers off the shelf.

The kit I made has been used in a club setting for over 2 years now and has proved robust and reliable enough to set out and take down every week.

Members of this forum were hugely helpful in shaping the guide and making sure that the final result is complete and easily understood.

Here is what people are saying;

'An excellent guide that will give you everything you need to construct your own automatic target changing system at your local club or at home.
Includes step by step directions, parts lists, schematic drawings and circuit diagrams as well as form templates and parts suppliers.
An excellent alternative to purchasing costly equipment and also very satisfying to build'

M Walters

‘It’s an excellent documented guide for anyone as an individual or club seeking to setup and build their own 10 metre range. You have set out all of the steps required in an easy to read and understand format taking the reader through all of the stages which will result in an excellent range setup at much lower cost than purchasing commercial items…..Providing information about each of the components, their specification and from where they may be found is also an added bonus as that in itself can take quite a bit of time working out and sourcing. All in all you have written a very useful document which provides enough in depth information for readers to successfully build a range, but not so much that the reader may feel the need to skip sections because they are of no interest.’
B Melvin

‘I must congratulate you on producing such a great publication that is clear and easy to understand.’
P Tithecott

Hope you can get a copy and leave feedback on Amazon

Thanks for reading