Broken Trigger Hammer
Perennial question I suspect. I have a problem with an inherited BSA Scorpion Pistol - who doesn't. Before I take my files to a lump of steel, can anyone help with supply of a new Hammer, have tried the various vendors that come up with an internet search but all advise no longer available. The pistol was not in the best of conditions and I have replaced all the usual cylinder bits and a few parts in the trigger mechanism. The hammer had already been repaired once but failed again on third time of cocking. If I do have to resort to filing a new one I think I will adapt the profile slightly to try and improve longevity. Is there anyone out there that has, or knows someone who does, a surplus Trigger Hammer for Sale.
Doesn't make the same noise, nor do the same damage, as many of the things I've played with in the past but it will be quite satisfying to have it back in working order given the family connection it has.