Quote Originally Posted by RobF View Post
Jesim was saying the issue was that anyone could run a range and they still can.
Sorry, perhaps my example of the loop hole was not clear as I meant it.

My feelings are that a non FAC holder who has had no kind of checks on his behaviour/character can buy, use, hire out FAC guns under the minirange clause to members of the public or for themselves, effectively sidestepping any kind of gun control. The actual running of the range was not the issue as such, but obviously in conjunction with the above it makes sense for us to ensure a range is run by law abiding responsible and trained individuals where guns and ammo are sold to someone who has been checked and deemed fit to do so.

We have to jump through hoops to get an FAC for just one gun, yet as it stands, a person using the above loophole can buy a dozen guns with almost no checks and use them with little in the way of control.

I hope that makes it clearer as I would like to see more ranges not less, but I'd like them to be safe and a positive reflection on the sport.
