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Thread: Pro scammer - don't get caught out

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Swansea valley.
    Quote Originally Posted by bighit View Post
    Possibly on the the other forum. Lots of the scam ads pics are being lifted from it . The scammer is lifting the pics and description from there.

    They are cutting out the user name and date that they insist on from the pics .

    You have to be a member on there to view sales too.

    One scammer recently admitting to scamming and admitted he was a member of the that forum.

    Some of the pics have been stolen from the sections that need no membership either like general airgun on here. You can view it with out being a member.
    Yep happened exactly as you explained. Having details on each picture should help.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by p.j. View Post
    Yep happened exactly as you explained. Having details on each picture should help.

    Having it in every pic may work but it has to be in an area they can't crop out .

    Digital watermarking can help but there is software that can remove them .

    There is watermarking that is harder to remove but can still be removed if the theif is determined .

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by GSMN1 View Post
    To add to the ever growing 'scumbag scammer' christmas List, I’ve just been taken for £200 by a lad who goes by the name of Daniel James. He was advertising a gun on Gunwatch. An HW77 in .22. Ad is now been taken down by Gunwatch.

    His email for my transactions was

    On other threads within this forum, it appears he uses a number of pseudonyms all of which are registered to metro bank.

    Neil Coles


    G Daniel James

    I contacted gunwatch who have banned him and are putting me in touch with someone else who has been scammed for us to pool our knowledge. Gunwatch are also handing details to the police.

    He has also been actively scamming on and he has banned him and given me an IP address of

    His mobile numbers are 07782988474 and 07782988474

    The address on the Gunwatch ad was Romney Marsh Kent.

    It smarts a bit to be scammed (pride alone!), particularly this close to Christmas. Anything we can do to gather our collective intel and hand to the police the better. Interesting link below to a scammer database. If anyone has anything to add.

    So I am still looking for a nice Mark 1 HW77!

    If the publishing of any of this information compromises forum rules, mods please the thread. But I hope you understand why it is necessary to publish certain details to prevent further fraud.
    The ip is not worth the type time just use a ip changer plain and simple ,see this is the point the thieves are 1 step ahead of us normal people

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