That's an early CP 1, I had one of the first in the UK, early 80's, 1981 or '82? superb pistol but in the UK was on Firearm Certificate due to "noxious gas propellant".

That created a real pain problem where most open county match organisers would not allow them on air ranges, wrongly claiming they were firearms, I even had a letter from my Firearms dept saying they were safe on any range, but to no avail. In the first year I used my old FWB65 in matches more than the CP1, which was only allowed at BPC at Bisley, so it was sold after a year.

When they came off ticket I bought a CP2, but I had all ready moved on via a FAS to an LPM-1 by then, so it was rarely used. Still have all my pistols from over 40 years of match shooting, including my FWB 65, FAS 604, CP2, LPM-1 and on up to when I retired with a Steyr LP2 Compact.

Due to the FAC issue very few were imported, that one may even be mine! I note BPC stickers!

Have Fun