As has been stated above - it matters less what’s at front of pellet than people seem to think IMO
I have two rifles that shoot RSW SP more accurately than anything else. More likely thin skirts mating with bore of barrel than anything else.
Points ‘deviate’ more than other pellets in quarry, this can be more effective. I’m a head shooter but have shot pigeons under wing at close range, and in effect a pointed pellet does more of a job than hollow points are marketed to do - which work the same as a wad cutter or dome - ie ‘go straight’ pretty much

Points years back were ‘championed’ then bashed for last couple of decades.
There’s plenty of them and I suspect plenty who use them

I also use SP in my hw30 s for bell target -
They are most accurate (oh yeh 3 rifles they work best in) more importantly unlike SHP and Hobby for example - they don’t bounce back !! They stay crumpled on bell plate if I miss hole