Quote Originally Posted by Paul101 View Post
I’ve been using triple 7, but will be going over to bp when it runs out.
So when I get a box, where can you store it?
Thank you

It will be down to your FEO so ask him but it will be a good starting point if you know where you would like to put it and why and where you would definitely not like it and why. Mine is in the garage chained to some racking but I had to wheedle a bit - FEO wanted it in the house but I was adamant that I really did not like that idea. Next option was in the shed but he did not like outbuildings and he reluctantly agreed to the garage, which is attached to the house so with a squint it was classed as integral (it is entirely separate form the house but shares one wall and we convnced each otehr that it is part of the structure of the house)