Hope my previous post is not misunderstood. I should make it fairer.

I have met Tony Walls, boss and staff on numerous occasions. Very friendly, and approachable. Customer service of old and a very pleasant shop to visit. They were very talkative and helpful. I give them full credit. No doubt they are professionals in their own right with learnt craft.

Likewise, Si Pittaway - I have never met him and no doubt he is very nice, knowledgeable and a marksman also. However, my point is merely that he leads viewers to believe it is the gun that does all the work, and all can be achieved by a sfs tuned gun (whichever model). Of course, we are only watching his 'personal remarks' on his one brand choice of tuner. It is not an independent review of many different kind of tunes He is a very a humble man to assign all credit to the tuned gun in his hand.

I can only speak from personal experience. I bought a Jacksnipe as it was the ONLY way of getting hold of a hw99 in .20cal. 5 local RFD's were not able to source one even as a special order as Hull Cartridge will only entertain an order of 10 or more unit batch. My love of the 20cal overwhelmed my wallet. The only place I can get hold of a 20cal99 is via SFS - who incidentally special orders them in batches of 10. They have pretty much cornered the market of the .20 and .25 cal 99's a no other dealers is prepared to order them in 10's.

I ended up paying over the odds for one - £100 more than a .22. When you get to exclusive territory, what's another £100? It is now a £400 gun. A little persuasion YT watching nudged me down that road.

The Jacksnipe option includes polishing and finishing to a professional standard but they do not replace any parts. Therefore there is a limit how shiny an egg can be polished. It's nicely set up but there is a limit as to what OEM parts can perform. The most noticeable being a trigger that is so light, I live in fear. It may be my personal preference for a meatier set up.

If you like their set up, great but you will pay handsomely. Knowing what I know, start off with self polishing and upgrade to some kit. Enjoy the learning along the way and maybe you will reach a happy level without the need to spend much. The ultimate of course is to pay a professional, and there are many to choose from.

At the very least, I got a gold 'Jacksnipe' engraving on it that looks and cost the most. SFS has confirmed they only made 20 Jacksnipe as they only ordered 2 batches of 10. I now have 2 of them as I bought my mates also.