I got mine today. Yay

I only got in an hour ago so I don't have the enthusiasm to do the video this evening, tomorrow will do.
I did pull it apart, obviously! Apart from the expected dreadfullness there was a spring direct from a biro pen, really thin and weedy. And short! This is a German spec gun and when tested it was doing a godawful 5.2 ft/lb with a helluva twang!

I got one of my HW35 springs and put it in the piston, hmm, very tight? A thick piston sleeve has been put in in a failed attempt to kill the reverbarations. That came out and a genuine spring with seven coils removed, fitted guides and a 12mm piston extension went in. I chose seven coils as that made it sit flush in the compression tube, so 25mm of preload when screwed together and easy to rebuild.

Anyway, that aside it is now doing a very pleasant, and I mean verging of Hw30-esque, 6.5 ft/lb. the extra weight means there is no noticeable recoil and the sight image stays clear through the Gamo diopter.

I've fired maybe 50 shots down in my range since doing it. I really am enjoying shooting it, much more than looking at it at least

This is a genuine 10m unsupported standing group by me!