Quote Originally Posted by T 20 View Post
I was going to have a go at building a small and light single stroke gun, Tone, so I looked around for a gun to convert.
I ended up buying an SMK QB somethingorother CO2 gun to convert, these have a decent barrel and bolt assembly, and a fairly decent trigger.
I was going to use a wider pump tube than the original CO2 tube and then drop the lot into a HW85 stock, the only problem was that the pump arm would have to lie on the left of the action rather than the right as on the Mohawk.
unfortunately I never got round to playing with it, so I now have a QB thingy I've never fired a single pellet through and a spare HW85 stock.

I might have to dig this out for another think now, if I sacrificed power I could use the same diameter tube as the QB CO2 tube for the pump then use the QB stock as well.

All the best Mick
Ooo-er, a T20 single-stroke project.. Yes please, Mick; I think we'd all look forward to seeing the resulting little toy from this.