As the title says, just getting into some 10m pistol shooting and trying to join local club, I am waiting for the weather to get a bit milder too so I can step into the garden and practice, anymore old gits started or starting as young as 55+ in 10m shooting, let me know maybe we can share tips that none of the younguns know (haha)

Anyway got myself the pistol and the rest of the gear for 10m pistol, the air cylinders were out of date so a new one ordered, the pistol has been sized up and I am getting a couple of decent shots in the garden before the shivering stops play.

Cases .does anyone know if the new lovely blue LP500 case will fit older LP pistols its lovely and probably cheaper than an original for my pistol.

Air cylinders that are out of date, can they be re tested like PCP filling tanks (divers tanks) or is that it practice only cylinders?

Anyway that,s enough silly questions for one night.