A little New Year surprise.

Found this catalogue for sale. Its a Milbro catalogue of the 1950s, dated only by the other rifles and scopes on sale, I reckon it must be c. 1955-19601 or so. It has a single page advertising the G55, the only advert I think I have ever seen for this sort lived underlever:


The Milbro G55 is a bit of a rarity, a sort of copy of the rea Diana 50 series, but just lesser quality. the short life of the G55 is explicable if they are asking £15/12/6 at this time. According to Chris Thrale's' book a Mk III was £14 in 1952 and £21 in 1965! The G55 is really not comparable in quality and would have represented a major investment. Interesting too tht it shows its real name, the 'Super Express'.