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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2023 - Round 3 results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Cool Sussex Interclub HFT 2023 - Round 3 results

    Sussex Interclub 2023 Round 3 at Buxted

    Hi everyone.

    SIHFT entry numbers are gradually climbing, so today’s 64 is the highest of the 2023 series. Especially encouraging to see 8 new faces today, including 2 new Junior class entrants; a warm (it certainly was) welcome both to Fred Kirk and Grace Ingram.

    And what a round to experience their first ‘major’ competition. Some would say this was far from the hardest course Buxted have laid on for us, but the scores surprised lots and would suggest it actually was rather tricky. I reckon quite a few of you (me included) were surprised at today’s top score (well done Owen and Kev H) of ‘just’ 56, and this undoubtedly helped some feel quite a bit better when they realised they were much closer to the top score in their class than expected.

    Here are those results.

    Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge Team place
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 56 100.0% G T
    Owen Wilson Buxted O 56 100.0% G T
    Roger Dibbens Oaks O 55 98.2% G T
    Jon Newton-May Buxted O 55 98.2% G T
    Simon Vant Oaks O 55 98.2% G T
    Vince Guy Oaks O 54 96.4% G T
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O 53 94.6% G T
    Gary Channing Buxted O 53 94.6% G T
    Nick Orr Oaks O 53 94.6% G T
    Howard Kalisch Buxted O 52 92.9% G T
    Mark Rackley Oaks V 52 92.9% G
    Nigel Carter Barbarians V 51 91.1% G
    Tom Haynes Oaks R 51 91.1% G
    Justin Roberts Ford O 51 91.1% S T
    Chris Theodoulou Theydon O 51 91.1% S
    Mike Burgess Oaks V 50 89.3% G
    Matthew Franks Oaks O 50 89.3% S
    Darren Purnell Buxted O 50 89.3% S
    Daniel Smith Bisley O 50 89.3% S
    Paul Blaxall Meon Valley V 49 87.5% G T
    Steve Britland Horsham O 49 87.5% S T
    Ewan Hobbs Visitor O 49 87.5% S
    Stefan Avey Oaks O 48 85.7% S
    Gary Morrison Buxted Sticks 48 85.7% G
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 48 85.7% S
    Steven Avey Oaks O 47 83.9% S
    Dave Barnes Meon Valley V 46 82.1% S T
    Steb Martinez Ford O 46 82.1% B T
    Phil Moody Horsham V 46 82.1% S T
    Maciek Pajek Horsham .22 46 82.1% S T
    Zac Baker Bisley O 45 80.4% B
    Darren Brind Oaks O 45 80.4% B
    David Henderson Meon Valley V 45 80.4% S T
    Dax Browning Meon Valley O 44 78.6% B T
    Paul Charman Buxted .22 44 78.6% S
    Paul Bradford Buxted V 43 76.8% S
    Nigel Buchan Buxted V 43 76.8% S
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 43 76.8% B
    Rob Buckell Oaks O 42 75.0% B
    Nick Byrne Meon Valley .22 42 75.0% S
    Richard Chase Ford R 42 75.0% S T
    Alicia Franks Oaks L 42 75.0% S
    Hugborg Hudson Meon Valley L 42 75.0% S T
    Bruce Ingram Visitor Sticks 42 75.0% S
    Dave Wade HRPC O 42 75.0% B
    Derek Watson Horsham R 42 75.0% S T
    Andrew Morrison Buxted O 41 73.2%
    Yiorjos Nikiteas Buxted S 40 71.4% B
    Nathan Ingram Visitor O 39 69.6%
    Richard Wheeler Ford O 39 69.6% T
    Martin Cook Buxted R 38 67.9% B
    Alfred Iftab Bisley R 38 67.9% B
    David Wheeler Ford O 37 66.1% T
    Trevor Hudson Meon Valley S 36 64.3% B
    Grace Ingram Visitor P 36 64.3% S
    Richard Wickenden Ford R 36 64.3% B
    Chris Cullen Meon Valley R 35 62.5%
    Fred Kirk Buxted J 33 58.9%
    Ray Munnery Horsham O 32 57.1% T
    David Wilshaw Meon Valley R 32 57.1%
    Jo Bluer Meon Valley L 31 55.4%
    Michael Myszyn Buxted Sticks 31 55.4%
    Redders Bluer Meon Valley .22 27 48.2%
    Steve Light Buxted O DNF 0%

    All 5 hosting clubs came with a full team of five, reducing some of the workload of the admin ahead of the badge and team results announcements. Thank you – keep it going if you can please.

    On home soil (woods, rivers, tree stumps, w.h.y. – but NO mud) Buxted did prevail today, pipping The Oaks by two points to take the round win and narrow the cumulative Points gap to just one.

    Club Round 3 Points Total
    Oaks 270 11 35
    Buxted 272 12 34
    Horsham 215 9 29
    Meon Valley 226 10 29
    Ford 215 9 25

    Today’s draw winners were:

    £64 – Gary Morrison – who was deep in the woods dismantling a course when his name came out of the hat. The cash passed to trustworthy Kev H to complete the handover.

    Air Arms Goody Bag – Richard Chase.

    Can you spot any errors in this post? Have I spelt your name correctly? Do I have you down for the correct club/class? – please post a reply to this thread or message me directly.

    As a reminder, SIHFT Round 4 is in 2 weeks, on Sunday 25th June at Meon Valley.

    Watch carefully for the post to clarify which of the Meon venues the comp will be held.

    Between now and then there is a UKAHFT round at Throckmorton on Sunday 18th.

    As I type this, I can see nowt else in the diary going on locally. Feel free to alert SIHFT readers if you know different.

    Last edited by biggles; 12-06-2023 at 09:33 AM. Reason: correction to class and badge for Grace Ingram and Dave Barnes
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)


    Two errors spotted - both down to my mistake - in the SIHFT Classes applied to a pair of yesterday's competitors.

    Dave Barnes should have been recorded as in Veterans' Class and therefore awarded a Silver rather than Bronze badge.

    Ditto Grace Ingram - placed incorrectly in Junior Class and should have been Primary - so also earned a Silver rather than Bronze.

    Both may swap out their badges for the correct ones at any future SIHFT comp..

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

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