scores from today are as follows, there have been some alterations because 2 targets were pulled not 1. £20 ans a rifle rest was up for grabs in the bonus bunny!

david curtis won the rifle rest
stuart gage won the £20
0.22 andy day 52
Open gordon smith 51
Open david etherige 50
Open David Lugo 50
Open james green 49
Open Joanne Cogger 49
Open Andy England 47
Open shaun woodley 45
Open George Hoolhouse 43
Open Shaun Hensby 40
Open Stuart Gage 40
open Andrew Moules 39
Open jake wallace 39
Open dean pratt 33
Springer jake day 33
Sticks david curtis 42
Sticks ray smith 41
Sticks klemince clents 32
Vets earl lange 51
Vets rob pierri 49
Vets keith jex 47
vets Alan Blundell 43
Vets dave nice 43
Vets Adrian Kingsbury 39
Vets steve kill 36
junior finlely horsman 22