Cheers Gents, I'll send a PM once I'm certain it's gone (although tbh it probably will be best to change it even if its not as a preemptive measure), just that Bolt to figure out now then, no extractor currently but I'm pondering trying to slot the oppisite end to where the head would be and winding it reverse style to get it out.
Did warn the Old Man that if he does take it to remove it that theres a possibility of tesnion so to proceed with caution, the actual head side has wear to the bluing so not worried about anything marking it there as I'll be sorting it later when the guts are given a clean bill of health.

One thing I must admit, it's very different in weight to the Pistols I'm used to, even the Metal and 'real' weighted Airsoft ones it is noticably heavier than, however that's no bad thing as it feels well made and built to last, not bad going for a first proper pistol I think.