And now it won't cock.

Found the Breech seal was skirwiff and wondered if I was being daft with the no pressure so sorted it out and went to test it and on firing it must've not seated right or something, tried recocking and it did it after a couple of attempts but let go before I was able to close the breech even though the safety was on.
After that no dice, even managed to snap shut on my hand while I was trying to look for anything visibly different.

AirGuns are supposed to be fun arent they?

Breech seal is on the list now as even though I can't tell if it leaks it's definately shrank enough that it does not stay in place for anything more than a light movement of the gun, acctually got the lower counterpart of the snapped bolt out to look at it, it's literally a smidge of threaded secton still holding it in place so if I can just move it a little it ought to be enough the open the compression chamber and get anything at risk out of the way.