Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
On a slightly more serious note.......I'm not a PCP aficionado. But they're still airguns. And I love ALL airguns. Boingers, pump-ups, CO2 and, well, yes, PCPs. And I don't mind if they're cheapy little budget basic ones or finely engineered supreme instruments of fine precision. But what our sport / hobby needs is for us to stick together. To be united against any pressure from the anti-brigade, and what we don't need are more divisions. Shooters, too, come in all different shapes, sizes, ages and levels of experience and we must welcome everyone in and make them feel a valued part of our wonderful community.

Lol I must admit that even though I love my springers (and I really do love them, but not in the I want one of you f'ing springer deviants in my tent when Im drunk kinda way)
Im an underdog kinda guy so when the PCP vs Springer banters kicks off on the FB groups I always side with the PCP and call out the springer lads,, but they know Im taking the piss too

But debate sides aside, as longs as someone is pulling a tigger and having fun Im 100% behind them