Before I start please do not PM me with I'll sell you X, this is researching stage for me so not got a budget built up yet.

I joined a little while back various Vintage gun groups on the old Faffbook and something I keep seeing that piqued my intrest as it has a very Thompson look is the Gamo Paratrooper, now the Zuckerbot hates any whiff of sales talk so I can't really ask there on posts with them (even though I'm not acctually trying to buy and they arent selling) so I thought I'd ask here my questions.
What should I look for in them?
What would be a Fair price to pay for one?
Do they have any different names, i.e is this the right name to search in the UK for one?
What are they like to own?
Is there something similar that I might be better looking for instead?

Thanks in Advance.