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Thread: Aldi Bargins

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
    Then you must look at this don't bury your head in the sand
    Think that's just religion pushing that. No death is a happy death, Just eat it,

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by madcarlos View Post
    Think that's just religion pushing that. No death is a happy death, Just eat it,

    Religionthat sounds ridiculous you obviously avoided watching it.

    What is your view on humane hunting no death is a happy one just kill it without any care.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
    Religionthat sounds ridiculous you obviously avoided watching it.

    What is your view on humane hunting no death is a happy one just kill it without any care.
    I watched it, Its all pushed by religion, Just looking at the chap in the beginning you can see the motive, Dont be do gullible bud, Nothing like a bacon sarnie,

  4. #19
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    The bargains continue, there was a few fishing items in but I come out with bargain camping gear, a very good savings this week.
    Rabbit Stew, no artificial additives except lead.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by madcarlos View Post
    I watched it, Its all pushed by religion, Just looking at the chap in the beginning you can see the motive, Dont be do gullible bud, Nothing like a bacon sarnie,
    LOL you must have Religion on the brain, what Religion is pushing it anyway Shaolin monks and the guy you are talking about was an ex-gangster and his only motivation is simply exposing Exstream cruelty and if the film was wrong and without solid evidence Amazon would be sued.

    If you don't care about cruelty, I don't suppose you care about humane hunting either.

    Just to remind anyone looking in check the link and compare the cruelty with hunting. ( Aldi should put the link on the bacon and let the public decide for themselves )

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
    LOL you must have Religion on the brain, what Religion is pushing it anyway Shaolin monks and the guy you are talking about was an ex-gangster and his only motivation is simply exposing Exstream cruelty and if the film was wrong and without solid evidence Amazon would be sued.

    If you don't care about cruelty, I don't suppose you care about humane hunting either.

    Just to remind anyone looking in check the link and compare the cruelty with hunting. ( Aldi should put the link on the bacon and let the public decide for themselves )
    Unfortunately bud life is cruel. Peadofiles walking the streets, Old people getting robbed and mistreated, People starving in Africa, Theres a war over the water and lots of civilians getting killed, Plenty of other animals getting mistreated and killed. Not happy about it myself but I try and put it to the back of my head . I do care actually about cruelty, But giving up sausage and bacon ain't going to change anything, Watch them seals getting beat with baseball bats, Its happening everywhere bud,Not just with pigs, Just to clarify, Some religions dont eat pigs. They dont like others eating either,

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by madcarlos View Post
    Unfortunately bud life is cruel. Peadofiles walking the streets, Old people getting robbed and mistreated, People starving in Africa, Theres a war over the water and lots of civilians getting killed, Plenty of other animals getting mistreated and killed. Not happy about it myself but I try and put it to the back of my head . I do care actually about cruelty, But giving up sausage and bacon ain't going to change anything, Watch them seals getting beat with baseball bats, Its happening everywhere bud,Not just with pigs, Just to clarify, Some religions dont eat pigs. They dont like others eating either,
    Thanks for the reply

    The thing that you are forgetting is that all of the things you mention you disagree with and would not contribute to any of them, accept for one thing, you are paying for the cruelty in the film just for a sandwich I genuinely think that as that film gets passed around and it will on social media it will make a lot of people think twice, how many would show it to their children and say put it to the back of your mind life is cruel so just pay for it and keep it going but be kind to dogs and a humane hunter

  8. #23
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    Humans eat meat, so there being 8.1Bn people slaughter of animals for food is done on an industrial scale. Finality for farmed animals is going to happen as their very reason to exist is as food. The wild animal bounty is hunted or fished.
    The only question is how that end is carried out. How humanely done?
    The natural world is not so kind. Death comes from predation, disease, parasites, dehydration from lack of water, starvation, and rarely old age. Few are "humane".

    The natural position for humans has always been as meat eaters. Even chimps eat meat. Humans that don't eat meat do it for religious or lifestyle reasons, though that may revert back in absolute survival situations. Being vegan/non meat eater is alternative to the natural way.

    Some effort has gone into methods of industrial slaughter to be as humane as possible. There is a finality to life at that point. Just due to the pure volume there has to be some efficiency in the process. In Europe there is plenty of rules, regulation, policing, and investment, to be effective, which includes high levels of hygiene for human consumption. (I am an advocate of some of the smaller, more local, slaughter houses, that can have some of the highest animal welfare practices.) Some places in the world it is just more basic. And then where there is money some want to cut corners; which is a policing issue.

    In a world of vegans there would not be any cows, sheep, pigs, or chickens. Nor many herbivores as they would be competing directly for our food. In fact there wouldn't be anything, including other predators. Humans don't tolerate competition well.
    The reason we allow them, farm them, conserve stocks of them, is because they taste good.

    Bacon butties taste fantastic.

  9. #24
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    We humans are anything but humane a lot of the time.
    All farming is cruel. Crops are forced feed to grow and covered in masses of pesticides which soak into the food that we eat. Cruel on us as its poison.
    Insects birds and lots of other creatures are exterminated to protect our food.
    Natural habitats are destroyed for additional space to grow our food.
    We maybe cruel at times when growing meat for food, but mainly to the food itself.
    We are cruel to the natural world and wild animals when we grow veg, fruit, nuts and grains.
    The human being has not evolved in 10s of thousands of years and we are designed to eat fish, meat, fruit and veg. Not all one and not all the other.
    Balanced diet is key from proper responsible sources and not mass produced, over processed, factory food production.
    This is the way.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    Humans eat meat, so there being 8.1Bn people slaughter of animals for food is done on an industrial scale. Finality for farmed animals is going to happen as their very reason to exist is as food. The wild animal bounty is hunted or fished.
    The only question is how that end is carried out. How humanely done?
    The natural world is not so kind. Death comes from predation, disease, parasites, dehydration from lack of water, starvation, and rarely old age. Few are "humane".

    The natural position for humans has always been as meat eaters. Even chimps eat meat. Humans that don't eat meat do it for religious or lifestyle reasons, though that may revert back in absolute survival situations. Being vegan/non meat eater is alternative to the natural way.

    Some effort has gone into methods of industrial slaughter to be as humane as possible. There is a finality to life at that point. Just due to the pure volume there has to be some efficiency in the process. In Europe there is plenty of rules, regulation, policing, and investment, to be effective, which includes high levels of hygiene for human consumption. (I am an advocate of some of the smaller, more local, slaughter houses, that can have some of the highest animal welfare practices.) Some places in the world it is just more basic. And then where there is money some want to cut corners; which is a policing issue.

    In a world of vegans there would not be any cows, sheep, pigs, or chickens. Nor many herbivores as they would be competing directly for our food. In fact there wouldn't be anything, including other predators. Humans don't tolerate competition well.
    The reason we allow them, farm them, conserve stocks of them, is because they taste good.

    Bacon butties taste fantastic.
    Thanks for your and gsxrman's views, even though they are misinformed

    I think that you both make the first point that it's natural to eat meat because we have been doing it for 10's of thousands of years but surly we have been trying to get away from being natural like wild savages just surviving only living for a few years, here in the west we no longer have to do things that we as humans find cruel unless it's a survival situation, there is one other thing the human cost to working in a Slauter house these days the workers get mental illness on drugs and drink check this out

    gsxrman seems to think that crops and other plant base food use more land than billions of animals when in fact it uses massively more including more pesticides what do you think they all eat grass check out these facts

    As for there would be no pigs/chickens/sheep we all know it won't happen overnight, my son and his wife have a big sheep farm and I would think it would be a slow process to change over.
    Even I am surprised how much of the world is going vegan in may 2021 China got a vegan society Russa has vegan options in the restaurants and the it's same all over the world.

    Why do you guys think that we can't be healthy on plant-based food when there has been so much independent research all over the world including Oxford university.

    Nature might be cruel but I don't think you guys are and I think most of the public would be shocked to see the pignorant film.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
    Thanks for the reply

    The thing that you are forgetting is that all of the things you mention you disagree with and would not contribute to any of them, accept for one thing, you are paying for the cruelty in the film just for a sandwich I genuinely think that as that film gets passed around and it will on social media it will make a lot of people think twice, how many would show it to their children and say put it to the back of your mind life is cruel so just pay for it and keep it going but be kind to dogs and a humane hunter
    When I was on a 4 shift on 4 shift off working I spent a few years in bad weather feeding animals which are left for months with no food, Done a good bit of volunteer work, I give each month to animal welfare groups which are locally, The problem Is if you take to much notice it will eat you up, The list goes on ,Not just with pigs and donkeys etc, etc, If children get abused in plain sight without intervention I'm sure animals are a lot further down the line, Its life Unfortunately, Good job our time on earth is limited.

  12. #27
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    I respect your lifestyle choice, but don't share it.

    The following is not directed at you:

    One issue I have is the expectation by many humans is that humans are somehow superior to other species and are above the natural world of things. That they can control everything. Sanitise everything. And make a synthetic world for themselves. All because they are the greater entity.
    How very elitist of them.

    Humans don't like cruelty done to themselves, so don't like it to anything else. However, humans can be incredibly cruel to other humans, and to everything else. Only self restraint from society and religion restrain our excesses. Though in times of war that often goes out the window, and when society requires resources it will take them whatever is in the way.

    Rich societies can be more restrained than poor. But they are going to resist going back to being poor.

    But my first point is if humans were vegan/vegetarian then they would remove the herbivore competition; the wild, and there would be no need for the domestic. Human activity and priority would be completely different, and would still not tolerate competition.
    What is very modern is the distancing of meat to the point that few know or care how it arrives packaged on the supermarket shelf. The process has been sanitised.
    Now sanitising anything of the natural world is a bad thing. The message is that natural is bad, and only human sanitised man made is good. The more who live from birth to death in a man made sanitised world the less they will care about the natural world. If no one cares then its surplus to requirement.

    What I understand from my hunting and fishing, and being in isolated natural spots, is that the natural world is real. Processing the natural bounty is part of being close to the "real". Much of the rest of my living is taken up by a "plastic" human constructed existence. For example when diving in my air conditioned car with the radio on I may be occupied, but I am in a completely humanised environmental bubble. It is not natural, though quite comfortable.
    Humans love comfort, and love KFC delivered to their door; I do. Vegetarians have their veggies delivered too. That is not "real", nor natural.
    I love the human comforts, for the natural world is stark and uncomfortable. I still want to be attached to the natural world and not just be an occasional tourist or watch it on TV detached.

    Can humans live without meat? Yes, but they do need to be careful. Some guts have a long history of not eating meat and evolved to do very well. Some guts aren't as evolved and demand more care to ensure everything necessary is found in their vegetarian only food. (Parents that choose such lifestyle choices need to be careful they are not harming their children; there are cases of nutritional neglect.)

    One real truth is meat eater don't need to consume as much as they do. The richer the society the more meat they eat, because we love the stuff, but often far too much for our own good.

    On the mental issues of working in slaughter houses.
    It is not for everyone, but millions do and come to no ill effect. Millions of butchers love their work. Repetitive industrial work can bring its own mental health issues. Just reflects mental health issues in society in general.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    I respect your lifestyle choice, but don't share it.

    The following is not directed at you:

    One issue I have is the expectation by many humans is that humans are somehow superior to other species and are above the natural world of things. That they can control everything. Sanitise everything. And make a synthetic world for themselves. All because they are the greater entity.
    How very elitist of them.

    Humans don't like cruelty done to themselves, so don't like it to anything else. However, humans can be incredibly cruel to other humans, and to everything else. Only self restraint from society and religion restrain our excesses. Though in times of war that often goes out the window, and when society requires resources it will take them whatever is in the way.

    Rich societies can be more restrained than poor. But they are going to resist going back to being poor.

    But my first point is if humans were vegan/vegetarian then they would remove the herbivore competition; the wild, and there would be no need for the domestic. Human activity and priority would be completely different, and would still not tolerate competition.
    What is very modern is the distancing of meat to the point that few know or care how it arrives packaged on the supermarket shelf. The process has been sanitised.
    Now sanitising anything of the natural world is a bad thing. The message is that natural is bad, and only human sanitised man made is good. The more who live from birth to death in a man made sanitised world the less they will care about the natural world. If no one cares then its surplus to requirement.

    What I understand from my hunting and fishing, and being in isolated natural spots, is that the natural world is real. Processing the natural bounty is part of being close to the "real". Much of the rest of my living is taken up by a "plastic" human constructed existence. For example when diving in my air conditioned car with the radio on I may be occupied, but I am in a completely humanised environmental bubble. It is not natural, though quite comfortable.
    Humans love comfort, and love KFC delivered to their door; I do. Vegetarians have their veggies delivered too. That is not "real", nor natural.
    I love the human comforts, for the natural world is stark and uncomfortable. I still want to be attached to the natural world and not just be an occasional tourist or watch it on TV detached.

    Can humans live without meat? Yes, but they do need to be careful. Some guts have a long history of not eating meat and evolved to do very well. Some guts aren't as evolved and demand more care to ensure everything necessary is found in their vegetarian only food. (Parents that choose such lifestyle choices need to be careful they are not harming their children; there are cases of nutritional neglect.)

    One real truth is meat eater don't need to consume as much as they do. The richer the society the more meat they eat, because we love the stuff, but often far too much for our own good.

    On the mental issues of working in slaughter houses.
    It is not for everyone, but millions do and come to no ill effect. Millions of butchers love their work. Repetitive industrial work can bring its own mental health issues. Just reflects mental health issues in society in general.
    Thanks again for your comments

    I just want you to think about these few points.

    (Evolution) humans evolved slowly over many thousands of years with little choice but to go along with the natural world but in recent times there has been an explosion in moving away from the natural world just think what it is going to be like in just a few years (if we survive it) AI is going to change things big time the next huge step in evolution.

    I know that there are a lot of funny people about but it's going to get harder to get slaughter house workers, humans are hard wired to feel compassion this is why I want the public to know where their food comes from then it is up to them as long as they know the truth.

    Repetitive industrial work can bring its own mental health issues but not PTSD that slaughter house workers get.

    I hope one day none of this is an issue and we can then just disagree over Diana vs HW

  14. #29
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    The natural world is more powerful than us. King Canute was right about his advisers.
    Good having a civilised discussion. If we are to take the natural bounty then let us do it intelligently and with some respect.

    Or an Original 45?

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barryg View Post
    Thanks for the reply

    The thing that you are forgetting is that all of the things you mention you disagree with and would not contribute to any of them, accept for one thing, you are paying for the cruelty in the film just for a sandwich I genuinely think that as that film gets passed around and it will on social media it will make a lot of people think twice, how many would show it to their children and say put it to the back of your mind life is cruel so just pay for it and keep it going but be kind to dogs and a humane hunter
    No offence to anyone or thier religion but theres been quite a few peadofiles been caught from the church, Your answer to me buying bacon is exactly the same as me saying anyone who goes to church is funding or happy with peadofiles, That's my view of course, I'm entitled to that , Same as your views on me buying bacon,

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