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Thread: Proposed Government Legislation - does it mean...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Radstock, Somerset, cider country. ...

    Proposed Government Legislation - does it mean...

    ...that with dealers having to complete airgun sales face to face, perhaps all postal and courier services will be loathe/forbidden to transport airguns at all in future for fear of breaking the law?
    Sorry if this question has been asked and answered before but I'm finding it difficult to keep up with what is and isnt a fact concerning it all.
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son" Dean Wormer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Interesting slant that I've not seen mentioned.

    The legislation still has to be passed and until then no-one really knows how much it will affect us, but I think it will be significant.

    Recently the Post Office/Parcel Force tried to renage from carrying guns but were told by the regulator that they had to continue.
    This could raise it's head again and if what you mention comes about it would stop most second hand private deals dead.


  3. #3
    Darren Petts Guest
    Interesting point Bob. One for a solicitor methinks. It's not a big step from asking for a signature to also asking for age verification. I can't find the legal wording of the ban on mail-order in the VCR bill - perhaps it's in an ammendment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Radstock, Somerset, cider country. ...
    Quote Originally Posted by Linegeist
    Similarly then, if my designated representative delivers the same item, has compliance not taken place?

    This was what started me thinking actually.
    If, as the proposed new legislation implies, all sales must be FTF, then to me, that says only he can "deliver" it to you. If its not the case, then surely the new laws would have little or no impact?
    Oddly enough, somebody on here a while back mentioned that an astute and perceptive dealer might transform his business into a "mobile gunshop". Doesnt seem such a ridiculous notion any more. If the new laws do have the effect I'm suggesting, then it could prove to be an innovative (and lucrative) business move. Or am I just getting a bit carried away?

    Curiouser and curioser ...
    Sorry to raise more negative questions but well, I'm a worrier me.
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son" Dean Wormer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Dalkeith near Edinburgh

    mail order

    Thought you had it all worked out and we were to hand in our guns?

    Keep one eye open

  6. #6
    nathan99 Guest
    Sales of FAC guns are already regulated by the face-to-face requirement and it seems to work OK.

    It just means that you have to arrange for the gun to first be sent to your local friendly RFD, using an approved courier. Then you go to the RFD, present your documentation for inspection, and take your gun home.

    Naturally all parties involved need to be paid for their trouble, so it is more costly than just popping down to the post office.

    It might even be a welcome source of extra income for your local RFD, so could actually be a positive thing.

    There is a large business in mailorder sale of FAC guns, judging by the amount of adverts in Gunmart.

    I'm not sure the proposed legislation affects private sales, ISTR it only applies to dealers ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Radstock, Somerset, cider country. ...
    Quote Originally Posted by slippery sam
    Thought you had it all worked out and we were to hand in our guns?

    Not at all mate. Twas merely me getting a bit of a sh|tty-on.

    I may not have it all worked out Raymond but at least allow me the privilege of worrying myself about it. (Someone's got to eh? "Jack").
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son" Dean Wormer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I would suspect that sales of sub 12fpe guns are far greater than sales of FAC airguns.

    I fail to see why a system (law) that will increase already high prices will be of any benefit to airgunners in general.
    The fact that this proposed legislation will probably have no effect whatsoever on the pillocks who flout existing legislation and will achieve nothing but agravation to law abiding airgunners.

    Today we've had Alistair Darling saying don't drink and drive at Christmas, only 600 deaths this year attributed to this, no sign of more legislation.

    When this legislation (VCR) is on the statute book it will start the end of airgunning as we know it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Today we've had Alistair Darling saying don't drink and drive at Christmas, only 600 deaths this year attributed to this, no sign of more legislation.
    But they *don't* actually need any more on that, either!
    Oh but they will, though; just biding their time, letting it build up... and it will be for *very* ulterior motives (compulsory black-box fitment on all cars, or tracking systems?).
    And apart from crony profits, why else were they so keen to have round the clock pubs? Why do they effectively condone hard drugs yet ban cigarettes? Why facilitate Mafia corporate presence with their super-casinos? Why is the Carlyle Group, a transnational corporate somewhat noted for its history of dubious dealings, the feather-bed of a previous Prime Minister and a likely future paymaster of the present one? Why the ongoing proliferation of useless and environmentally devastating windfarms, when they've now admitted nuclear is the only viable way? Why are "regions" being imposed despite Prescott knowing they'd almost certainly lose any further referendums on them? Why the same with the EU's so-called "Constitution"?
    Why more and more political correctness, when its effects on society are already so horribly evident?
    The government's logic and strategy is seldom what their spin-doctors would have you believe.... till it's too late to resist.

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