Quote Originally Posted by Ric O'shay

Got loads of questions about these and appreciate any answers

Are all mark IIIs bull barrelled ?


Which is the quietest the carbine with silencer or carbine BB ?

The answer is a bit subjective, Good add on mod is probably the BEST solution. But a cheap add-on mod won't be.

A dealer told be he didnt stock super 10s as they were prone to leaks,
anyone had problems ?

Damage the seal on the bottle, and it'll leak. There's one right way and 15 wrongs ways to remove them.

Also noticed on this site a few complaints about magazine problems
but was told by a S10 owner that they just needed wearing in.
Is this the generally the case ?

Theoben magazines wear out. Daystates mags are based on the S10 mags, and some people have struggled them in the past, but there's nothing wrong with them. BSA do a free repair service on the mga anyway, so if it stops working, it'll get fixed for the price of a stamp.

Finally is £395 a good price for a second hand Mk II with 4-12x50 Nikko Gold crown all in top conditions that someone offered me ?

What's it worth to you?


Second hand values are always difficult to work out, when you are considering a 'kit'. Not least because one man's idea of 'top condition' may not be the same as yours when you see it. Try before you buy if you can.