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Thread: Call for airgun licencing in England

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    SHIPLEY west yorks

    Call for airgun licencing in England

    Just heard on Classic FM 12 0'clock news,the cats protection league are calling for the licensing of airguns in England,they say there has been a large increase in the reported number of cats having been shot by airguns.
    It would be easy to do as the new Scottish law on licensing of airguns was quoted.
    So look out everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    sunderland "north east"
    Quote Originally Posted by gwyn View Post
    Just heard on Classic FM 12 0'clock news,the cats protection league are calling for the licensing of airguns in England,they say there has been a large increase in the reported number of cats having been shot by airguns.
    It would be easy to do as the new Scottish law on licensing of airguns was quoted.
    So look out everyone!
    We all no deep down soon as they see if it works in Scotland we will be next If this happens there shouldn't be any power limits in my book and it should be down to the user to decided weather you need a 12 foot pound plus gun to shoot paper targets in your back garden or if you hunt then you can have any power --------I hope it proves to hard police in Scotland and fails showing that it doesn't work

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ZAKDINGEL View Post
    We all no deep down soon as they see if it works in Scotland we will be next If this happens there shouldn't be any power limits in my book and it should be down to the user to decided weather you need a 12 foot pound plus gun to shoot paper targets in your back garden or if you hunt then you can have any power --------I hope it proves to hard police in Scotland and fails showing that it doesn't work

    They will make it look like it is working even if it isn't, there will be no going back for the Scots. From what i can gather shooting paper targets in your garden is not a "good reason" to have an airgun in Scotland.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal1 View Post
    They will make it look like it is working even if it isn't, there will be no going back for the Scots. From what i can gather shooting paper targets in your garden is not a "good reason" to have an airgun in Scotland.
    Have a look at vackyard shooting seems to be a bit of an amiguous area for the legislation. How can they stop tou from doing whatecer you like on your own property. This would be completely unenfirceable in england due to your trespass laws.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
    Have a look at vackyard shooting seems to be a bit of an amiguous area for the legislation. How can they stop tou from doing whatecer you like on your own property. This would be completely unenfirceable in england due to your trespass laws.
    Yes, I agree. They can go and do one.
    I have had enough of bieng told what to do and by who.
    If they want a fight then bring it on.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by maz001471 View Post
    I have had enough of bieng told what to do and by who.
    Which way are you voting on the 23rd of June then

    I think you should also have to have a license for keeping stones in your garden .... I'm sure way more cats are injured by someone hurling a rock at them than there are ones shot by an airgun!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
    Thats not what i meant. I meant that while the authorities would like us to stop plinking in our back gardens, i dont believe its enforceable due to it being orivate proprty. As long as the pellets do not leave the boundary and you are not causing a noise nuisance, its possibly a grey area open to misinterpretation just like the 'within 50m of a carriageway' legislation that is often debated.
    No it will not be a reason to own, but i cant see them being able to stop you from doing what you want on private property.

  8. #8
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    Revolving Doors

    The cat people have my sympathy, but licensing will not cut down the number of incidents.

    The monsters carrying out these acts regard receiving a custodial sentence as part of life,an occupational hazard.

    Legislation will not deter or hinder them.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
    Thats not what i meant. I meant that while the authorities would like us to stop plinking in our back gardens, i dont believe its enforceable due to it being orivate proprty. As long as the pellets do not leave the boundary and you are not causing a noise nuisance, its possibly a grey area open to misinterpretation just like the 'within 50m of a carriageway' legislation that is often debated.
    No it will not be a reason to own, but i cant see them being able to stop you from doing what you want on private property.
    What you seem to be suggesting is that the "authorities" can't stop you doing something on your own land.

    Are you sure that's what you mean?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
    Have a look at vackyard shooting seems to be a bit of an amiguous area for the legislation. How can they stop you from doing whatecer you like on your own property. This would be completely unenfirceable in england due to your trespass laws.
    Well by that theory we can all shoot rifles over 12fpe provided we are on our own property

    Somehow I think that the law is the law as to what you can or cannot do

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008
    thing is even if they did bring a licence in cats will still get shot as the people shooting them wont get a licence and the police still wont have a clue who shot the cat

    but they may pop round and charge joe bloggs who lives round the corner as he has a licence and a gun

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by astraman1 View Post
    thing is even if they did bring a licence in cats will still get shot as the people shooting them wont get a licence and the police still wont have a clue who shot the cat

    but they may pop round and charge joe bloggs who lives round the corner as he has a licence and a gun
    I propose a licencing of cats. Maybe this will reduce the number of song bird murders per year and maybe even a reduction in the number of unwanted cats using my garden as a toilet.;-)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by astraman1 View Post
    thing is even if they did bring a licence in cats will still get shot as the people shooting them wont get a licence and the police still wont have a clue who shot the cat

    but they may pop round and charge joe bloggs who lives round the corner as he has a licence and a gun
    That is always the case with new restrictions, the only people who obey are the law abiding ones and they by their very nature weren't causing the problems in the first place.
    It'll come, the steady ratcheting down of freedoms, the limiting of rights.

    When they announced the proposed ban in Scotland I sold up my collection, to limit my financial exposure to any future legislation that may come in and took up slingshot shooting as an insurance. I've got less than a couple of hundred quid in my Crosmans now, so I can live with writing that off, but if you're one of those who has thousands of pounds of kit and dozens of guns I'd be getting concerned.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Lies, damned lies and...

    statistics! There are (according to a 5 min search on the internet) 8 million cats in the UK. The CPL's data is that 44% of vets questioned reported airgun injuries and that 46% of those were fatal. CPL are now appealing for more data in order to demonstrate their assertion that more cats are being killed with airguns. Their own data already shows that the total number of pellet-injured cats reported by vets is down around 40% since 1996, but that deaths have risen as a proportion of the total. Like a previous poster, I have no time for the pointless (and already illegal) killing of songbirds or pets to relieve the boredom of modern life; However, there's no debate until there's a ballpark figure for the actual number of cats killed and injured. The Home Office and their select committees (who have recently rejected airgun licensing for England and Wales and are very aware that firearms licensing is under pressure already) are unlikely to introduce a licensing scheme because of 25 dead cats, no matter how amazingly cute they might once have been.

  15. #15
    BigEars Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thisisdonald View Post
    Thats not what i meant. I meant that while the authorities would like us to stop plinking in our back gardens, i dont believe its enforceable due to it being orivate proprty. As long as the pellets do not leave the boundary and you are not causing a noise nuisance, its possibly a grey area open to misinterpretation just like the 'within 50m of a carriageway' legislation that is often debated.
    No it will not be a reason to own, but i cant see them being able to stop you from doing what you want on private property.
    Yep, i could shoot in my garden but don't, apart from squirrel culling. I reckon my pistol rattling pellets into a catcher for an hour or so would annoy the neighbours..

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