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Thread: Kempton Park Airgun Fair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Crawley, West Sussex, UK

    Kempton Park Airgun Fair

    This is an unsolicited posting in the hope that many of those of us who subscribe to the Collectors Section of the Airgun BBS will respect the effort that has gone in to trying to organise the June event scheduled to take place at Kempton Park.

    From my point of view, I ventured onto this path in maybe 1985 (or later), thinking that it would both satisfy my craving for historic airguns and generate income for my collecting interests. My attempts in establishing an alternative Airgun Collectors Fair was a dismal failure (and cost me £320 (a fortune for me at the time)).

    Post event I realised that up front investment and lots of publicity were paramount to success. Not an easy thing for most of us to be able to do so (for various reasons).

    What I would say, is that if we want a worthy successor to the Bisley Arms Fairs (which I understand won't happen any longer in the same format), let's try and make this particular event a success by "attending, bringing and buying", as otherwise, no such events will be available in the future as no one will want to sponsor them.

    I realise that there will be those of you out there who will be convinced that the "Organiser of the forthcoming event" is in line to make a financial killing, but from my point of view I'm 100% convinced that won't be the case.

    Lastly, please try and attend, mix well and enjoy the experience, as if you do so, and like what you see, there will more of the same for all of us.

    Vic Thompson.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Hear, Hear Vic.

    The organiser has worked tirelessly to make the inaugural event a success and I take my hat off to him for not moaning about the loss of the very popular Bisley events but doing something about it. Several major dealers have booked multiple tables and it seems there will be a plethora of airguns available to suit all pockets. To put it mildly, we are going to be spoilt for choice. And that's before we start counting the numerous private sellers who have already booked stalls.

    Only 4 weeks to go. Personally I can't wait!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Crawley, West Sussex, UK
    thanks John, your reply was much appreciated.

    Vic T

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Battle, East Sussex
    Well said Vic, I found out today that 70 tables are already booked. One by an old friend of mine. Binners rightfully deserves our gratitude for this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Thank you, Vic, John and Andrew for your kind words.

    Yes, you are right, my wife and I have worked tirelessly to get this event under way and invested more than we are likely to get back. This is not a cheap venue and in order to attract the 'Big Boys', I have had to make concessions on pitch prices in some cases. In addition to this, it is a stipulation that I have to employ Kempton Security and Cleaning Staff, and Public Liability, with these three things alone costing over £500. Advertising and Printers costs soon mount up, although I have been lucky enough to get free publicity in Air Gun World, which I was very grateful for.

    Although I am confident that there will be more Air Guns and related items than many other Fairs, this is also a Militaria Fair and the 60+ tables confirmed and paid for at this present time, are 50% Air Gun related, the rest divided between Militaria, Deactivated, Obsolete Calibre, Classic Guns, Swords and Bayonets, etc.

    Given the choice, I would rather be attending an Air Gun Fair, than organising one. I have not been forced into this and if I make a small financial loss, then so be it, but for the sake of future Fairs at this venue, where else could you buy from Private Collectors and Air Gun Traders under one roof and therefore hope that this event is given the support it needs to succeed.

    I have provided the venue with the capability of up to 200 tables with numerous facilities on-site - this is all I can do - the rest is out of my control.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Am looking forward to coming down to this, thanks for putting the effort in to make this happen for everyone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Battle, East Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by Binners View Post
    Thank you, Vic, John and Andrew for your kind words.

    Yes, you are right, my wife and I have worked tirelessly to get this event under way and invested more than we are likely to get back. This is not a cheap venue and in order to attract the 'Big Boys', I have had to make concessions on pitch prices in some cases. In addition to this, it is a stipulation that I have to employ Kempton Security and Cleaning Staff, and Public Liability, with these three things alone costing over £500. Advertising and Printers costs soon mount up, although I have been lucky enough to get free publicity in Air Gun World, which I was very grateful for.

    Although I am confident that there will be more Air Guns and related items than many other Fairs, this is also a Militaria Fair and the 60+ tables confirmed and paid for at this present time, are 50% Air Gun related, the rest divided between Militaria, Deactivated, Obsolete Calibre, Classic Guns, Swords and Bayonets, etc.

    Given the choice, I would rather be attending an Air Gun Fair, than organising one. I have not been forced into this and if I make a small financial loss, then so be it, but for the sake of future Fairs at this venue, where else could you buy from Private Collectors and Air Gun Traders under one roof and therefore hope that this event is given the support it needs to succeed.

    I have provided the venue with the capability of up to 200 tables with numerous facilities on-site - this is all I can do - the rest is out of my control.
    Binners,i know the venue well, having been at many motorcycle shows there and knowing what that large hall can accommodate. I wish the show every success and will be there early on the 25th full of anticipation.

    What you've done with this show could really be the start of something unique and long term in the collectors diary.
    Last edited by coburn; 28-05-2017 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I hope Pete trousers a fair amount of cash for his efforts.
    If he makes a loss I trust we can help him out.

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