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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2017 - Round 6 RESULTS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Cool Sussex Interclub HFT 2017 - Round 6 RESULTS

    Hi All

    Mahoosive thanks to the whole (small but special – as it is at so many clubs) Horsham Hawks crew for putting out a great course for this 6th round of the 2017 Sussex Interclub HFT series.

    Excellent nosh too, with bacon or sausage butties for breakfast and some delicious pulled pork or burgers (or a 2nd breakfast if you chose) for lunch.

    Weather wise we had very little sun and not too much breeze, but it sure was dark in some of the woodland – accounting for 28 of the 30 lanes – and humid too.

    In the conditions, we might have expected at least one clearance from a large field (86 entries) and many top shooters present from all 8 participating clubs, all of which managed to field a team of at least 5 people. But the best that could be achieved was a pair of 58s leading the field. Well done to Graeme and Steve for those scores. Big question has to be …… will Graeme be using the same kit in a week’s time for the double header UKAHFT at Maldon? I suspect that, this time, the answer will be “yes” (unless it’s a “no”)

    Here is the full set of results …..
    Name Club Class Score Hscore % Badge T(eam)
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O 58 58 100.0% Gold T
    Steve Edmondson Maldon O 58 58 100.0% G T
    Kevin Catt Meon Valley O 57 57 98.3% G T
    Roger Dibbens Buxted O 57 57 98.3% G T
    Philip Jacobs Horsham O 57 57 98.3% G T
    Paul Somerville Meon Valley O 57 57 98.3% G T
    Tony Archer Iden Fern O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Alex Larkin Maldon O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Steve Miller Meon Valley O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Phil Moody Horsham O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Stuart Tennent Meon Valley O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Peter Vidler Meon Valley O 56 56 96.6% G T
    Nigel Buchan Buxted O 55 55 94.8% G T
    Mike Burgess Swallows O 55 55 94.8% G T
    Finn Cochran Maldon O 55 55 94.8% G T
    David Henderson Meon Valley O 55 55 94.8% G
    Ali James Meon Valley O 55 55 94.8% G
    Adam Longhurst Buxted O 55 55 94.8% G T
    Justin Rayner Buxted O 55 55 94.8% G T
    Jill Cochran Maldon O 54 54 93.1% G T
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 54 54 93.1% G
    Howard Kalisch Buxted O 54 54 93.1% G T
    Justin Parrott Meon Valley O 54 54 93.1% G
    Kevin Weeks Iden Fern O 54 54 93.1% G T
    Simon Williams Oaks O 54 54 93.1% G T
    Rex Bennett Maldon R 53 53 91.4% G T
    Gary Chillingworth Maldon R 53 53 91.4% G
    Russ Conner Buxted O 53 53 91.4% Silver
    Stephen Cumming Meon Valley O 53 53 91.4% S
    Gary Morrison Buxted O 53 53 91.4% S
    Charles Peal Oaks O 53 53 91.4% S T
    Justin Roberts Ford O 53 53 91.4% S T
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 53 53 91.4% S
    Spencer Bailey Buxted O 52 52 89.7% S
    Rick Bowell Iden Fern O 52 52 89.7% S T
    John Carliell Iden Fern O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Carla Chambers Swallows O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Pat Fitzgerald Ford R 52 52 89.7% G T
    Ewan Hobbs Iden Fern O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Kim Lum Swallows R 52 52 89.7% G T
    Jon Newton-May Buxted O 52 52 89.7% S
    Maciek Pajek Horsham O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Mark Rackley Ford O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Andy Simpson Buxted O 52 52 89.7% S
    Don Vickers Meon Valley O 52 52 89.7% S
    Damian Walker Oaks O 52 52 89.7% S T
    Richard Chase Ford O 51 51 87.9% S T
    Nigel Grigsby Meon Valley O 51 51 87.9% S
    Nigel Wood Buxted R 51 51 87.9% G
    Andy Clarke Meon Valley O 50 50 86.2% S
    Daisy Dibbens Buxted J 50 50 86.2% G
    Vince Guy Swallows O 50 50 86.2% S T
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks O 50 50 86.2% S
    John Turnbull Horsham O 50 50 86.2% S T
    Derek Watson Horsham R 50 50 86.2% G T
    Dan Hawes Iden Fern O 49 49 84.5% S
    Tom Keene Meon Valley O 49 49 84.5% S
    Neil Parrott Meon Valley O 49 49 84.5% S
    Dave Pickett Buxted O 49 49 84.5% S
    Jean Greatrex Maldon L 48 48 82.8% S
    Dan Leddy Iden Fern O 48 48 82.8% Bronze
    Chris Silcock Swallows O 48 48 82.8% B T
    Richard Nightingale Oaks O 47 47 81.0% B
    Anthony Smith Horsham O 47 47 81.0% B
    Paul Wilson Buxted O 47 47 81.0% B
    Steb Martinez Ford O 46 46 79.3% B T
    Barbara Pearce Iden Fern L 46 46 79.3% S
    Roy Pearce Iden Fern O 46 46 79.3% B
    Doug Falcon Oaks R 45 45 77.6% S
    Ally Stewart Oaks L 45 45 77.6% S
    Craig Hallas Meon Valley O 44 44 75.9% B
    Dave Rushman Oaks O 44 44 75.9% B
    Harvey Friend Visitor P 42 46 72.4% S
    Nick Byrne Meon Valley .22 40 40 69.0% B
    Nick Franklin Iden Fern J 40 40 69.0% B
    Gabriel Hobbs Iden Fern P 40 44 69.0% S
    Anthony Leonard Iden Fern R 40 40 69.0% B
    Connor Leonard Iden Fern P 40 44 69.0% S
    Steve Micklethwaite Oaks O 40 40 69.0%
    Charles Upstill Visitor O 37 37 63.8%
    John Kirkwood Horsham .22 34 34 58.6%
    Wes Micklethwaite Oaks P 34 38 58.6% B
    Stewart Elstone Buxted O 32 32 55.2%
    Eran Jolley Buxted P 31 35 53.4%
    Bob Pattenden Oaks O

    Three new Platinum Badges won today - for winning 5 Golds - by Roger Dibbens, Nigel Wood and yours truly - Mike B. Well done us

    There was one score card which failed the Simmo scrutiny today, for a shooter whose fellow competitors had seeming changed a 1 to a 2 but failed to get it signed off by a marshal before handing it in. Please, please check and check again, for anything which could be construed a change, even if only due to wrist or pen slippage. ‘Only’ one point, but that could be vital at the end of the year.

    Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you spot anything you think is amiss. Have I misspelt any names? Have I put you in the wrong class? Let me know if you spot anything wrong. BBS PM or email should do the trick.

    Prize drawer winners today were:

    • Jill Cochran – the £43 cash prize,
    • Kev Wickson – the Air Arms goody bag
    • And David Henderson won the Compair Magazine subscription (his name pulled 2nd out of the bag immediately after Nick Byrne who, for some reason, felt it should go to someone more deserving )

    A little more shuffling among the Teams today, with Buxted stretching their lead by one more precious point. Total team member scores for today's round and cumulative points won are :
    Club Round 6 Points
    Meon Valley 282 64
    Buxted 276 68
    Maldon 276 49
    Oaks 273 62
    Iden Fern 266 44
    Horsham 265 49
    Swallows 257 40
    Ford 254 40

    Happy and safe shooting to you all ahead of round 7 of the 2017 SIHFT, which is in three weeks on the 6th August at Swallows FTC. In the meantime, very best of shooting to all the SIHFTers, including those competing in next weekend’s UKAHFT double-header at Maldon.

    For those pot hungry people, as we have now reached the ‘magic’ SIX rounds mark of the year (remembering that it’s your best 6 of the possible 10 rounds which count toward end-of-year results) I will be publishing the total ‘league’ table so far very shortly – later this afternoon.

    Last edited by biggles; 16-07-2017 at 04:18 PM.
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Thank you Hawkies.
    Good course apart from that stupid silly stander
    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT!!!.....Go the Rat Pack!......

    Brilliant Shooting Meon! Put them Sussex Hobbits in their place, jumped the Oakies for 2nd and now just have to catch them Bums-ted boys 😊😆

    Looks like someone won't have to worry what colour to use in his profile this year !😉

    59er HW100 barreled Steyr Lg110 + Sightron s111 10×42
    Beware the man with one gun.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton

    Great shooting Graeme!!!

    See Simmy is shooting better, he nearly made the team.....

    I got loads done this weekend so don't mind but i do miss it loads!!

    Well done everyone, see ya soon..ish..

    Got you on > Video < Simmo.. Haha!

    Now That WAS funny...

    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thank you horsham crew for a great mornings shoot.
    Well done to all class winners.
    Harvey...... yet another pb there is no stopping him.
    As for your dad !!!!!!! Well !!!!! He does like abit of the horsham wire. Again, and again.
    Great to shoot round with you both.

    Answering mike's question..... yes i will be shoiting the same set up. Lol
    Have a good week
    See you at mad.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cheers Horsham cracking days shooting with my boy couldn't think of a better way to spend a shooting Graeme cheers for the company and banter Shame about the fence, but im over it just a shame my pellet wasn't

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Crimson Rouge one, Parked in Braintree
    Well done Horsham and very well done Graeme, your shooting is certainly coming on mate.
    HFT Team England 2012 - 2013
    Incompetent writer for Airgunner
    UKAHFT, World and SiHFT Recoiling champ 2017

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