Originally the 1970s Sheridan E9, later made/branded as a Benjamin or Benjamin-Crosman. Went out of production around ten years ago (also available in .177” and .22” - I think the .22” lastest longest). I’m sure I posted in here with more precise details when I could remember them.
Indeed, cracking little pistols. Apart from mediocre trigger and rubbish sights, and too small a grip, and little opportunity easily to mod/upgrade. But fun, and a piece of Americana.
Driven out of the market by the Crosman 2240 (why, if you were Crosman, make 2 pistols that competed against each other? Benjamin and Sheridan merged in the 80s and Crosman/Coleman Corp - the parent organisation - later took them over). Cheaper, better factory sights, easily upgraded. Just not as nicely traditionally made, and a bit less handy.