Don't forget the first event for the NEFTA Hunter Series is at Redfearns next Sunday (16th April)

All the badge designs have been made up and they look awesome!! I'll have a full set with me at Bolton this weekend if anyone wants to get a sneaky peak at them.

Tried to take some photo's but I'm not good enough with a camera to do them justice - I'm hoping a grown up will be able to help me out on that score though.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not big on collecting badges or anything nerdy like that, but these things look seriously awesome - the bronze, silver and gold look very nice indeed, but everyone I've shown the Phoenix badge to has had the same reaction - "Oooo I MUST have one of those!" (the design is different to the picture on the website)

FT has badges for various different comps, but as far as I know this is the first HFT merit badge of it's kind.

For anyone that's never shot an HFT course at Redfearns before, this place is notorious for some of (if not the most) challenging HFT courses in the country. Dave Baines (Mr highrise himself) must have a meanstreak a mile wide!

Anyone that manages to earn a Gold award at a Redfearns HFT shoot (95% or better!) is certainly one hell of a good shot! and has probably sold their soul to the devil to be able to judge the wind at Redfearns.

There are no trophies at these events! - there are no 1st, 2nd, 3rd places etc and there are no shoot-offs. If you manage to win a merit badge, then you're no better or worse than anyone else in that same banding. (Bronze, Silver, Gold)

When you consider the calibre of shooter at these events (Andy Calpin, Ian Taylor, Gary Cooper, Tim Finley, Dave Baines, Paul Wilson, Keith Wooley, Darren Petts etc etc) and the difficulty of the courses then if you happen to see someone wearing a Gold NEFTA Hunter Squirrel at the next UKAHFT event it means they came within 3 points of the top score of the day at Redfearns.

Be prepared to drop to your knees and bow at their feet, proclaiming how unworthy you are to be in their presence

I'm not holding out any hopes of winning Gold myself, I'd be very happy to manage an 85% or more to take a Silver Rook award.

If you want any more details on these events, surf along to

Good luck at BAGS, hope to see some of you over at Redfearns next weekend.