Had an interesting pair of rabbits last night around dusk.
I stalked to within 50Yds but had to climb over the gate, soon as I landed number 1 disappeared. I walked slowly to 25 Yds from its last position and sat. 5 minutes later it shot out of a hedge 60 Yds away, crossed the field then stopped by a second rabbit approx 80 Yds away. Suddenly something spooked them both and they ran towards me until about 50 Yds. I was losing light fast so decided to try a stalk to about 30 Yds, I got to 35 when the farthest one dived into the hedge and the original target bolted the other way into the middle of the field. It stopped 40 Yds away so not to look a gift bunny in the mouth, I took the shot from there. A combination of stalking and ambush and a lot of patience.