So, prolly one for le Git here...

Am playing with a stealth or two at the mo...

Forget power, one will be going on ticket anyway, this is purely a question of consistency (over a no. of shots - shot-to-shot consistency is fine)

So, is it possible to achieve a power curve on a Stealth, i.e. gradually rising, levelling off, then falling, as opposed to a simple decline ?


Ally hammer, very nice, thanks Trev, shot-to-shot is within 10 fps (fine). Barrel either 12" or 18" - the "curve" is much the same, velocities are obviously higher with the longer barrel...

Am going to try reducing spring preload to achieve a curve, but is it worth it ?

Should I use the top hat adjustment (prolly with an O ring beneath it) to simply limit the valve's travel instead ? Trouble with this is you completely lose the "self regulating" aspect of most knock open type valves, whereby the higher air pressure restricts valve movement at the begining of the curve, with the oposite at the end, resulting in a similar (volumeXpressure) air blast each time...

I have played with various stem ports (butchered stem, filled with areldite, then progressively re-ported, and whilst tighter porting obvious chokes off the higher velocities, it really still isn't a true power curve - just a flat, then fall...

Whatdya reckon then guys ????

PS on the FAC one, only looking for around 25 FP, 18" barrel (this obviously isn't exactly hard in itself !)

Thanks in advance,