As in the title I am a proud owner of a COMETA 300 NICKLE, and shortly after getting it decided I would like a moderator for it.

I approached U.K.NIEL and after a deal was struck and payment was winged off, soon after received what could only be described as a top quality bit of kit!

A highly polished aluminum moderator that not only matches my rifle but does exactly what it says on the tin.
So I would just like to say cheers Niel and drinks are on me if you are ever in my neck of the woods.

I finally had a chance to try it out over the weekend and was very impressed, It may not seem much to some of you guys with very posh expensive rifles but I shot one bunny and his mate sitting not 5 feet away didn't even run off, just looked round to see where his mate had gone. Just wish the cometa was a repeater.

The only downside is now I have to buy a longer gun case as the rifle length is 130cm, oh and its a bit heavy. No good for my granny but its o.k, I've got big arms!

Well thanks for reading my ravings and thanks again Niel, would love to show you guys a picture but don't know how to attach one. I'm sure someone will let me know.

Can anyone tell me if there is any other modifications worth doing to the cometa 300? the trigger perhaps? would love to know what other people have done.

I've now got a pcp on the way but will always keep the cometa handy, I think its worth keeping a springer handy as a backup and just enjoy using it. A lot of fun for a small amount, Its a shame all things in life aren't so.