Just got my latest XB&M Bullpup Back , Raptor .177 FN12 and first time to try out today with XB&M SILENCER <!--graemlin:--> ..
Fired a few shots with no silencer and i get the normal CRACK ! <!--graemlin:-->
Put the XB&M SILENCER on fire and PING <!--graemlin:--> (sound of the hammer spring) hardly a noise
WAS amazed ... <!--graemlin:-->
These must be a consideration when buying a new. Put a shoe in pic to show you how small this gun is 22" without silencer 28" with silencer.

<!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:--> <!--graemlin:-->

[This message was edited by Bullpup on 12 October, 2003 at 22:21.]