Hi Everyone
A little while ago I notified folks on the bulletin board that I had set up Target Bunny to provide a focus for free targets to download.
I collected targets from many sources and have put them on line as pdf files. Obviously some of these targets belong to the creator and so I have quite openly stated that as there are no fees for these targets the originators will be credited. Also if there is any objection to them being on www.targetbunny.btik.com then I will remove them.
So far so good, BUT, the other day I found out that some of the targets I had uploaded to the site came from this guy, Thomas Haller (tphaller@compuserve.com) and I sent him an email telling him that I had put his targets on the site. His reply is below, it is a masterpiece of understated and gentle reprimand.

Re: Targets on my Site
From: Thomas Haller (tphaller@compuserve.com)
Sent: 13 November 2007 03:02:30
To: James.D Driver (thetargetbunny@hotmail.co.uk)

Dear Mr. Driver,

Please remove any of my material from your site, immediately.

My targets are copyright protected, and it sounds like you have already broken the law.

My lawyer will be checking your site tomorrow, and if any of my material is there, you will be sued for copyright infringement.

Thomas Haller


Remember that this is from a guy who has the following banner on his blog,

Free Homemade Targets
( Bullseye - Silhouette - Real Picture )

Print These Targets Directly From Your Browser!
Or Save Them To Your Hard Disk For Later Use!

Now Available in PDF Format!! No More "Print too large" problems!!
All of these targets are designed to print on a normal 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper. Simply click on the preview picture to get the full size target in PDF or JPEG format. Once it has been displayed, use the "Print" function of your Acrobat or Browser program, and print your own! It's just that easy!
If these targets try to print on more than one page, just look in the menus of your Acrobat software or Web Browser for something like Page Setup, or Document Format, or Print Options, and look for a command like "Fit to Page". You may also find this option in the dialog that appears when you issue a Print command from your copy of Adobe Acrobat or your Web Browser.
Folks without color printer should not despair, I provide some "greyscale" targets, and some of the color targets print just fine in black and white!
You can also use your Browser's "Save" command, to download a copy to your hard disk for later!
If you have any trouble with these targets, just let me know and I'll try my best to help!

So if you want to tell him what you think of his caring and sensitive attitude be my guest and if you feel that you want any of his drawn targets on Target Bunny let me know and I will get Dragonsinger to redo them in AUTOCad and since they will be HIS drawings not Mr Hallers there can be no copyright problems.

Target Bunny