I took out an XVD14 (Gen 2 Soviet Bazaar attachment) tonight. IMHO this is the best airgun NV sight I have used. It has a picture comparable to, or slightly better than , the best Gen 1 NV sight in resolution and light gain but no fish eye. So better than the best Gen 1. Not as good as Gen 2 then ?

BUT - We buy for useablity NOT one feature and the following reasons make it A1 :

x6 mag when I tested it.
Choice of your own reticule
Low profile mounts
Light weight

Please note I'm talking airgun. I'd sooner use it than a Kite for an airgun. For Rimmy and above I don't think long distance performance on a larger targert would be as good and i'd be inclined to think about a dedicated set up (unless the backdrop was good.)

When you think that UK prices - this is the same price (kit and sliding rail) as a new ATN Crusader . you are however going to save "x" pounds on that second gun, carry half the kit and possibly save a slot on your ticket.

I'll be using one, or something very similar, this winter.