Hi fellas,

I'm after a major favour from some kind soul in the LV area

Just sealed a deal with one of the former members of the club living in the Herts area.

Original plan was to pay by bank transfer, but due to impending holiday etc this isn't suitable - the fella needs cash.

Would anyone in the area be able to act in a "middleman" capacity on this? I'd need to transfer you the funds, then you meet the seller and pay him cash for me?

He's willing to meet within reasonable distance to get it, only trouble is it'd need to be before Thursday when he goes on holiday

I bank with HSBC so if you're the same it'd clear immediately, other banks have a 2-3 day lead time so a degree of trust would be needed on your part (you can have my passport if you like!)

Any offers/suggestions appreciated fellas,
