Finally got the pennies together for my .25 springer.

I initially wanted something that I didn't have to put a scope on straight away, so looked at the Supersport, which is very long!
So other options were the Lightning, XL and XL Tactical.

Somebody suggested Supersport carbine, which would be ideal. However, they're no longer listed by BSA, having been into local shop today - bu**er!

By the time I add another scope for the Lightning or one of the XL's, there will be over £100 between that and the S/Sport.
Other thing, it shouldn't matter, but I think the full length XL mod is ugly compared to the shorter Lightning mod, also read a number of comments about the XL mod working lose (is it secured with the QD stud acting as a grub screw??). To fit a mod to the S/sport, I'd need an adapter making with a slot milled to fit around the foresight, this should be do-able? It would then be long enough to use as a canoe paddle though.

I couldn't get to see a Tactical in the flesh, so would have to order that blind and hope it was ok.

So, do I stick to the cheap option and extra length (about a foot with a mod fitted) of the S/sport, or stump up the extra. If so, lightning or XL/ Tactical???

It's not an only rifle, and is as much for interest as anything else, hence the notion of keeping costs down.

And please don't get into you should get an HW etc etc, it will end up being one of the above!!
I know it's down to me, but any thoughts???
