Tonight was a trial-run for nightshooting at the club, and a complete success.
The unnamed few turned up looking like extras from a Tom Clancy console game, with lights and beams shining from everywhere, but apart from Roger most people took it not so seriously, until we heard a rumour that it will become a regular event. Only 20 targets in the course, but feedback was that this was the right amount.

Tim Bohr-----------39--Winner after Shoot-off
Darren Lindsey-----39--Looooser after Shoot-off
Barry Smith--------39--Unlucky after Shoot-off
Wayne Marriott----36
Simon Vant--------36
Lloyd Davies-------36
Darren Quincey----35
Gary Chillingworth--34
Kyle Hampton------34
Roger Clancy------32
Ray Hampton------31
Patrick Harrod-----25