One to test Lakey or Slug Gun's grey matter or indeed anyone else with the right knowledge.

I recently bought a pine cased BSA and am happy the case is correct but am not sure the green baize lining is original - see photos. Clarity is poorer than I would like as had to use flash indoors rather than venturing outside in the poor weather. The lining is dark green in colour and not blue as the photos suggest.
Has anyone got an original or pics of an authenticated original case they could post on here for comparison?

I'm aware the cases came in several grades and the 3rd or Best grade was identical to the second, other than it was lined in Green baize, according to the 1909 BSA book of the Air Rifle. My lining is frayed at the edges and while certainly old, I'm not sure if it is original as would have expected to see slightly better quality on an original. I believe no baize covering the top of the partitions is correct as if they were covered, the lid would not close properly.

Second question concerns the silver oil bottle that came with my case. It is marked as being of US origin and mentions both 05 and 07 (I assume 1905 / 1907!) patent dates. Strange thing is I've seen similar bottles with other cased BSAs - E.g. 1994 Airgunner Annual and while not of BSA origin, could BSA have been an agent for the US manufacturer at the time or is it pure coincidence?

Third question concerns availability of the Cased set. Does anyone know when these cases ceased to be offered as accessories? I haven't seen any reference to them post WW1 but does anyone know for sure?

Final question is about the key. Mine has a lock but no key - Does anyone have a key that may fit? It would be of similar size to the key that came with 1930s Webley Pistol cases but my Webley key doesn't turn the lock.

Kind Regards,