Well chaps as you know I was given a very sad Lion air rifle which didn't even have the guts to spit out a pellet

Here are my findings

Everything is loose , that said the bits that are welded are welded very well in fact I doubt not even the toughest trade grinder will scuff the surface welds !

I took the stock off , well I say took off but what I meant to say was it more kind of ' fell off ' with a little push .

First of all I noticed that the rear of the action was nearly in two parts , again welded or ' cooked ' as I now refer to as Mr Wangs welding attempts . It didn't worry me that the only thing holding it together were HUGE blobs of molten larva as it was still better prepped than my old spot welded Capri .... Ghia .

The funniest thing I found was the metal slab for locating the stock screw on the trigger guard , it looked like it was thrown on by a blind man on a galloping horse and just kinda stuck were it fell and if that wasn't bad enough they then welded it on a drilled a hole in it off centre obviously .

The spring and internals came out easily enough and yes it has to be the crudest gun I have ever set eyes upon but I am 100% certain that Iwill get it back to it's former glory - well I guess a 4 year old could too to be truthful but I like to inflate my ego once in a while .

I am now sourcing another spring and am getting rid of the rust and will post a few pics as I go along , trust me you will want to see them

I love guns but never liked welding much
