Hi all.

Sorry for the delay. I put the extension on the competition as the AirgunBBs had an announcement that the site would be shutting down until Tuesday, to which didn't happen?

I have had to do a Forefit Score for one competitor who didn't put the score in within the extension. The way I've done it is put in the 10 lowest scores within the round. Because the way the scoring & judgement style of this competition it can benifit you if you actually don't submit a score. So I think this is the overall all fairest way for everyone. Call me a Devious Diplomat.

However, with that said the Forefited shooter isn't last on the leader board & the way this shoot goes, it can still turn around on the 3rd & final round.

So weldone to the shooters that take part with two shooters hitting all 10 segments cleanly

We have joint first & with following count back on missed segments they are also have the same of two misses.

Without further ado here is the >>RESULTS<<
