Hi folks, I wondered if I could pick your brains with something….
The decision was finally taken to start an inventory of the contents of the wardrobe. I know, not a task to be taken lightly. An inordinate amount of preparation has taken place, batteries have been charged and a small hamper with sandwiches, Kendal mint cake and several flasks of weak lemon drink has been assembled. The tow-rope from the car has been tied around my waist and the airing cupboard door handle so I can be found if I’m not seen for a few days.

One of the bits I’ve just documented is a BSA Mercury Mk. II. Serial prefix ZA which I think puts it in the 1973-74 region. The odd bit being the barrel; I think its been nickel or chrome plated? Some images are attached.

Mercury; whole rifle

Mercury: barrel

Mercury barrel BSA logo

Has anyone come across this before? I’m in two minds as to its originality. On the one hand it does look somewhat odd, but on the other its also looks remarkably well done; no signs of poor pickling and the BSA signature is nice and clear so hasn’t been flooded.

Any thoughts welcomed!